quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011

quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2011

Jogo da reciclagem

Cumpra seu papel de eco-cidadão. Passeie pelo parque, recolha o material reciclável e leve-o aos cestos corretos (cada coisa em seu lugar). Mas o caminho é longo e o tempo corre! Se você gosta de jogar Jogo da Reciclagem, vai gostar de ajudar o nosso planeta.

Tradução do português para inglês

The Environment Week was useful for raising awareness of society in relation to various matters connected to our planet that need greater attention. Approximately 600 species of plants and 200 animals native to the Rio Grande do Sul are threatened with extinction. Experts say this is a natural phenomenon, but studies indicate that in the next 25 years, from 2% to 8% of living species will disappear because of the destruction of natural ecosystems.

                                               GLOBAL WARMING

Talk about global warming is never enough. The feeling it gives is that, before so many news about scandals in areas such as world politics, the debate over climate change may be out of style. But what few know is that the situation is increasingly alarming.

Recently, FAO - UN Food and Agriculture - is warning that climate explained the increase in the overall price of food in January 2011. The scenario may worsen, says the entity if the existing dry in winter remains Chinese.

Periods of extreme drought also devastate the Amazon. According to a study in the journal Science, in 2010 the impact of poor rains in the region was more than 3 million km2 of land, exceeding the 2005 drought, considered the worst in decades. Experts believe that this framework could accelerate global warming, since they predict that the Amazon forest will not be able to absorb 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as usual.

It is necessary that society be mobilized to bring about changes in attitude of the authorities. Now is the time for action whatever the place where you are. Or chooses to ignore the danger?

provas e trabalhos

  • provas e trabalhos 62
  • Filosofia
    Professora: Grasiele Tassi
     DataAtividadeConteúdo Postado
    18/05ProvaDesenvolvimento da consciência, O que é o pensar, Livro do aluno páginas (5, 6, 13, 14, 15,16) e exercícios do caderno.04/04/2011

  • Ciências
Professora: Ediléia
 DataAtividade ConteúdoPostado
19/04Teste1. Adaptação e Vida, 2. Classificação dos seres vivos, 3. Vírus - Seres sem célula.24/03/11
23/05Prova trimestralO Reino Monera, Protista, Plantas sem semente e Plantas com semente e sem fruto24/03/11


Professora: Ivani
 DataAtividade ConteúdoPostado
11/04Produção textualCrônica23/03/2011
09/05TrabalhoLivro “ Nem Pensar”, Marcelo Carneiro Cunha, Projeto Editora.23/03/2011
23/05Trimestral Classe de palavras: substantivo, verbo, artigo, pronome, adjetivo, advérbio, numeral, interjeição; Interpretação de texto, linguagem formal e coloquial, acentuação, pontuação ortografia.23/03/2011
  • História
Professora: Juliana
 DataAtividade ConteúdoPostado
14/04Entraga de TrabalhoOriente Médio04/04/2011
12/05TrimestralUnidade 1, 2 e 3, caderno e folhinhas, (Queda do Império Romana do Ocidente, Império Romano do Oriente, Expansão o Mundo Muçulmano, Europa Feudal)22/03/11

  • Matemática
Professora: Cristina
 DataNew Cell ConteúdoPostado
28/03Teste - Reta numérica no conjunto dos números inteiros "Z" (números negativos, zero, positivos).
- Números opostos ou simétricos, valor absoluto ou módulo de um número inteiro.
- Comparar números inteiros através dos símbolos <, > ou =.
- Aplicação dos números inteiros no cotidiano.

  • Inglês
Professora: Laís

 DataNew Cell ConteúdoPostado
15/04TestePresent Simple, Present Continuous, Imperatives21/03/11
19/05TrimestralPresent Simple x Present Continuous, WH-questions, Compreensão textual21/03/11

  • Geografia
Professor: Giordano 

05/04Prova ParcialUnidade 1 ( A construção do território brasileiro) e terremoto do Japão.21/03/11
17/05Prova TrimestralUnidade 1 ( A construção do território brasileiro) e Unidade 2 ( A diversidade de paisagens brasileiras)21/03/11

  • Ensino Religioso
Professora: Grasiela Tassi

 Data ConteúdoPostado
 29/03- Entrega do Cartaz da CF-2011 - Folha A3 - individual
- Releitura da Campanha da Fraternidade
18/05CF – 2011, Por que existem tantas religiões? O sentido da religiosidade hoje, Por que a gente tem uma religião? Símbolos nas religiões.04/04/11
Soil pollution due mainly to the use of certain modern agricultural techniques. The need to increase productivity has led to the application of fertilizers and pesticides that are contaminating the soil grown so hopeless, so much so that agricultural production risks would be involved in the long term.Fertilizers are chemicals with which it seeks to enrich the soils of several elements, which are necessary for good crop development. But for reasons of cost, fertilizers are not purified, thus containing many metals in a state of traces. Now these are toxic and, because of their low mobility, tend to be concentrated in upper soil layers, precisely where the bulk of the root system of plants. The desire to increase agricultural productivity of land has led to a more intensive application of various fertilizers, which are fully reflected in increased production of these substances. Thus, the abuse being committed in the agriculturally advanced countries can not undermine the stability of agro-systems in the long term. Excess fertilizer can become a real threat to the future fertility of the soil itself. This stems not only from the continuous accumulation of toxic elements, but also modifying the physical structure of soils, with consequent reduction of organic material.Pesticides are chemicals complex, powerful effects. Are insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc ... and their number has increased dramatically. The effects of pesticides are showing up more and more harmful, whoever he is always cause profound disturbances in the ecosystems they enter. Its toxicity extends to all species of plants and animals and even humans. Although it is intended to destroy a limited number of species, pesticides eventually affect, to different degrees, all living beings.